Alexander G. Buychik (Bujčik)
EU, Czech Republic, Ostrava

Confessional Klironomy is a klironomical science of the preservation of beliefs and interpretations as the elements of intangible cultural heritage, which are related to the transfer of virtual images and events of religious persuasion through verbal information.

Confessional Klironomy is an independent science of the Facil Klironomy direction in the system the klironomical sciences.

1. Religiology is the area of scientific research, the subject of which are all existing in the past and existing religions.
2. Cultural anthropology is the science of culture as a set of tangible objects, ideas, values, and behaviors in all forms of its manifestation at all historical stages of its development.
3. Philology is a set of sciences that study the culture of the people, expressed in language and literary works , or the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.

Many religious texts have not reached our days in the primary sources. We can see them in the text arrangement of oral beliefs centuries and even millennia later. It is also necessary to take into account that beliefs have a great variety and are divided into archaic (pagan) and Abrahamic (modern) religious ones. The archaic beliefs include polytheistic religions of ancient civilizations such as the Sumerian-Akkadian Kingdom, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Ancient Russia, as well as ancient peoples around the world, including those that are absent now. Modern beliefs include monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam and many others. Many oral religious tales and traditions require analysis, restoration and preservation. They carry a certain religious, historical, cultural and philological information code of the previous social epochs. Consequently, the preservation of elements of this segment of intangible heritage is an important part of the reconstruction of a unified picture of the existence of society and nations at a certain point in history, and in temporal changes. Conservation, recovery and renovation of such elements of intangible cultural heritage require the creation of certain methods, their improvement, and also the training of individual specialists.

Religious beliefs and interpretations that carry valuable historical and cultural codes of the spiritual component of society, which are enclosed in an intangible shell.

The processes of the preservation of the religious beliefs and interpretations, which are defined as part of intangible cultural heritage.

The preservation of religious beliefs and interpretations as elements of the cultural heritage of society.

1. Analyse the state of individual religious beliefs and interpretations for the relevance to include them in the list of intangible cultural heritage and categorization.
2. Describe the status of individual religious beliefs and interpretations identified as part of intangible cultural heritage for relevance and restoration work scope.
3. Develop methods of preservation, recovey and reconstruction of religious beliefs and interpretations as the elements of intangible cultural heritage forming the spiritual image of society.
4. Form a scientific basis, conduct scientific and educational activities and prevention of the identification and preservation of religious beliefs and interpretations as the elements of intangible cultural heritage affecting the spiritual development of society.

1. Preservation of all types of the religious beliefs and interpretations, which are defined as part of the intangible cultural heritage of society.
2. Preservation of those types of the religious beliefs and interpretations that may be defined as part of the intangible heritage of society in the future.
3. Recovery of damaged or partially lost elements of a religious belief or interpretation, which are defined as part of intangible cultural heritage.
4. Reconstruction of lost parts of the elements of religious belief or interpretation, which are defined as part of intangible cultural heritage.

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