Alexander G. Buychik (Bujčik)
EU, Czech Republic, Ostrava

Klironomy is a science of the society's cultural heritage preservation.

Klironomy is a new cross-border scientific field at the intersection of natural, humanitarian, social, and economic sciences. Therefore, the definition of Klironomy Science is nearer to the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Cultural heritage preservation is a priority in the evolution of society because it carries a social genome that forms the image of new social generations. Cultural heritage preservation dates back to the time of ancient civilizations in its primary sense. Some scientific research in this field was already registered in the 18th century, and comprehensive studies have been conducted over the past 100 years.

Tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

The processes of preservation of the objects and elements of cultural heritage.

Preservation of the objects and elements of cultural heritage.

1. Describe the state of the objects and elements of cultural heritage for the relevance and scope of restoration work.
2. Analyse the state of the objects and elements of culture and art to include them in the cultural heritage list and categorize.
3. Develop methods of preservation, restoration, renovation, revitalization and reconstruction of the objects and elements of cultural heritage.
4. Form a scientific base, conduct scientific and educational activities and prevention of preservation of cultural heritage in society.

1. Preservation of all the kinds of cultural heritage of the society.
2. Recovery of damaged or partially lost parts of the objects or elements of cultural heritage.
3. Reconstruction of the lost objects or elements of cultural heritage.

1. Do not harm, but restore if did harm.
2. Assume on the basis of available knowledge.
3. Reconstructing, prove in search of counterpart.

1. Axiological method allows to determine the value of the objects or elements of culture and classify them as part of the cultural heritage of society.
2. The analytical method makes possiblity to analyze the main stages of the creation and existence of an object or element of cultural heritage for the purpose to realize a competent approach to its preservation or restoration.
3. The synthesis allows to connect the achievements of human thought isolated from various sciences in a single whole for the purpose to use them in preservation of the objects and elements of cultural heritage.
4. Comparative analysis serves as a basis for determining the main directions to preserve cultural heritage – restoration, conservation, renovation, and revitalization – and to separate them in the process of choosing of one of the directions.
5. System analysis allows to differentiate the separate sciences within the framework of this scientific direction and identify the path of sequence and interaction of Klironomical Sciences.

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